A little vision on why we do bible studies on campus and why desperately want students in them (as addressed to a college student).

What comes out of our mouths in conversation is mindless dribble about the weather or our class schedule or explaining our major for the hundredth time. And if it's not that, it's a buddy relaying his drunken stories until you feel the brain cells melting out of your ears. And we're starving so we gorge on mindless fillers. We play endless hours of video games, pour over senseless internet sites and watch a season a day of that show that we really aren't enjoying but can't stop watching on Netflix.
We sit up in our beds at night and wonder: Is this all there is to life? We're starving for something of substance, for happiness. We think that college will make us happy but when it ceases to do that we find the next thing. We attend parties, drink and make shallow friendships looking to fill up but that doesn't work, so we find ourselves a girlfriend or a boyfriend. But eventually we realize they annoy us sometimes and their poop stinks, so that comes crashing down. So we pour ourselves into getting good grades so we can get into that prestigious program or "get ahead" and find a good job that pays well when we graduate. I could keep going in that vein. It never ends.
We need substance in our lives. We need to sit down and figure out the truth to the most important questions in life; questions of its meaning and our existence. We need those real friendships, and that's what we desire to do with you all. I finally met Jesus Christ in college and my chain of searching for happiness has ended. It ends at Him, and as missionaries we have begged for money and moved hundreds or thousands of miles away from our homes to tell you about Him. We have the way, the truth and the life and we want to give it to you. So let's meet up and start that dialogue and breathe a little life into ourselves for once.
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