Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Mama on a Mission

Sorry for the long delay in posting! Time has gotten away from me; we’ve been super busy which is a great thing! This last week Flannery and I threw caution to the wind and went out on campus almost every day. We were either meeting up with a girl from my bible studies, coffee dates with other girls we had met through the student Mass, or taking students out to do the God test.  I also started one of my two bible studies last week. So, we’ve really been going hard. Which feels so good at the end of the day, but has severely thrown off Flannery’s napping schedule.

Mastered another bread recipe! Wheat- Check! I'm trying to post more pictures than just Flannery, 
but apparently all I photograph is bread and my daughter- bare with me I will get better.

Coffee Date highlights:
I was able to meet one on one with a couple of girls last week and while we were meeting, I shared the God test with them to see how they would answer questions like ‘How would you describe God?’ ‘Do you believe in Heaven?’ ‘Does everyone go?’ It was really interesting to hear their responses. Most of the answers to these questions started with “Well, I haven’t really thought about that before.” That’s huge. We just need people to even think about God for a quick second- He can do so much with even the littlest amount we give Him. And, as I was leaving the Curris center (Murray’s Student Union equivalent), I shared an elevator ride with another mom who was strolling around campus. THIS IS A RARE THING. Strollers on college campuses do not happen very often, so I took a chance and started a conversation with her. I got her number and will hopefully be getting together with her later this week! If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a missionary and as a mother seeking other mom-friends, its that you have to be bold!

Our Prayer Wall! It's still in the beginning stages, but we plan to put all the names of students/ 
mission partners up on our wall to intercede for them!

Bible Study Update:
They are always slow moving in the beginning. My first study was supposed to start on Tuesday, but everyone was a no-show. This happens a lot in ministry and you have to learn to persevere and not take it personally. So, maybe today I will have better luck. Friday, was a little of the same- one girl came! Despite the small showing, it was a really great bible study and I really look forward to our next one! We are starting with The Crux bible study which is available on the FocusEquip website for anyone to use! It’s a great 5-week study that slowly unfolds the Gospel message and teaches about our relationship with Christ.

A few more exciting things have happened this week! No, no more fires- thank goodness! We acquired an Exersaucer for Flannery which has been heavenly. She loves playing in it, and I love that it can occupy her long enough for me to get the dishes done, do some laundry or other more necessary things like going to the bathroom. We are so grateful for the generosity of the parishioners of St. Leo’s who have really come to our need. We are starting to get to the next stage of ‘baby things’. This last week we started solid food for Flannery! Time is really going too fast, she’s getting far too big (not really, she’s still just a peanut). We started her on rice cereal, which she HATED. However, we have found a friend in sweet potatoes. She loved them!  And the best part is that I made it myself! I bought one sweet potato for $.78, pureed it, mixed in a little bit of milk I pumped, and voila! We have 25 servings of sweet potato for her! I’m pretty sure one jar of baby food costs about as much as my one potato. Take that Gerber, you’re not fooling me- I found the trick!

Loving her sweet potatoes!

Not only has she started solid foods, Flannery is in the beginning stages of crawling. She can get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth- sometimes succeeding in a slight forward motion. But, for the most part she’s best at scooting backward-  which makes her a little mad, but its still a pretty big accomplishment I’d say.

Determined to crawl!

I have so much more to share, but I think I will have to write a separate post for that, or you’ll be here all day (I mean, this was just me- Zach is ROCKING-I'm so proud of him!). Not to mention I have a cranky baby in the background (it’s too late for a nap and too early for bedtime- oh dilemma). Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! God Bless!

- Meghan

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