Friday, March 28, 2014

SEEK: The Experience

One of the coolest experiences we get to have as missionaries is going to the annual national conference.  Whether it be a Student Leadership Summit or the larger SEEK conferences, it's a great experience.  It's a variation from the normal grind of campus work.  We get to sit back and look out on a sea of grace and watch God work in a more concentrated way on the hearts of these students.  It's hard to see sometimes when you work day-to-day with them, but when you're with them for a conference week you get to see the equivalent to a shot in arm in their walk with Christ.

FOCUS decided to document the journey of five students at our SEEK 2013 conference in Orlando and air it as a three-part miniseries on EWTN.  They just recently put the videos up on Youtube.  Meghan and I watched them back to back to back the other night and started reminiscing on the experience of conference.  We wanted to post them here so you all could get a glimpse at what it looked like a couple years ago as well as see some of the incredible types of students we get to work with.  ENJOY!

For some reason, I couldn't find Episode 2, so you'll have to look for it yourself on Youtube

Here's an interview about the series with the cameraman/producer Nick Falls and director Jeremy Rivera (2 missionaries working at the DSC on EWTN)

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