Friday, March 7, 2014

What Do You Do On a Daily Basis Pt III- The Long-Awaited Finale

Soooooooooooooo blogging isn't or forte, but it's Lent so we're going to do what I'm sure countless other Catholics with blogs are doing right now and recommit to it.

Starting with the finish to what my week looks like.

9:00am Holy hour
12:00pm Mass
6:30pm Bible study with the fraternity guys
9:00pm-roughly 10:30pm Intercessory night (we switched it from 10-12 to 9-10/10:30 so we could get more students to regularly come- pray that works out)

I like to leave my Thursdays more open to either spend some time with the fam and have some open time to get lunch/coffee/just hang out/ do follow ups after bible study with some guys.  I usually end up having some conference calls in there somewhere.

8:00am Mass
9:00am Holy hour
10:30am We started up a weekly "Seeker Study" to teach about the Church to those outside of it who had questions about why we do certain things-- definitely a necessity in the South where there are some crazy versions of why we live out our faith certain ways or hold certain beliefs
12:30pm-1:30pm Men's group that Father Jason is putting on every week going through the book "Be a Man" by Fr. Larry Richards together
2:00pm-5:00pm Team MPD where the team gets together to pray for/contact/work on odds and ends having to do with our mission partner development (fundraising)

Saturday is a free day most of the time

Time off during the day-- we gotta honor the holy day
6:00pm Student mass at St. Leo's
7:00pm Student dinner at the parish hall
8:00pm Then we head over to the Newman Center to hang out and watch "The Walking Dead" with some students

Then we do it all over again!

Its no wonder we sleep in when we get to have a break in the homeland!!

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